Bethany CE Junior School
Inspiring learning for life - hope for the future
Safeguarding Policies
Our Child Protection Policy includes:
Safeguarding Policy
PREVENT Guidance
Safeguarding audit tool
These can be found on the Coastal Learning Partnership website here and in the policies section of the website.
Domestic Violence Information Sharing
We have a duty to care to all children in our school. Our school supports both receiving and sharing information with external agencies in order to protect children.
Therefore, sharing and receiving information to protect children, receiving ‘alerts’ from the police via children’s services about any domestic abuse incidents occurs in this school and is compliant with GDPR.
The Safeguarding Leadership Team
At Bethany CE Junior School we ensure that safeguarding is a priority.
All staff are responsible for safeguarding and we have a robust policy which is updated yearly to ensure best practice.
The Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mr Bielby, (Deputy Headteacher)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mr Woodward (Headteacher), Mrs Rawson-Jones (ELSA),
Parent Support Worker: Mrs D Perez (previously Miss George)
SENDCO: Mrs J Winston
Mrs Perez is available via the school office to support all parents and children.
Our Safeguarding Governor is Mr James Druce
We have a structured programme of internet safety, Mrs Maylen is our E-safety Champion, please see the link in 'Parents' and 'Children' tabs.
Mr Bielby is our Anti-Bullying Champion.
If you are concerned about your child, please do speak directly to their class teacher in the first instance, however, you are more than welcome to make an appointment to see any of our staff.
Our school is part of Operation Encompass. This is a police and education early intervention safeguarding partnership which supports children and young people who experience Domestic Abuse.
Keeping Children Safe in Education
Our local safeguarding board have committed to ensuring that everyone has access to support to enable keeping all children safe.
They have produced a series of leaflets in a range of languages, which we have placed below: