
Bethany CE Junior School

Inspiring learning for life - hope for the future

Coastal learning Partnership

Reward & Recognition

House Points

All children at Bethany CE Junior School are placed in to one of 4 houses:





The children then earn house points for effort in their learning, exemplary behaviour in the classrooms, corridors and playground and for displaying the characteristics of the 4C's (confidence, compassion, curiosity, creativity). 

Once the children gain a certain number of house points, they will receive a certificate:


50 house points: Bronze

100 house points: Silver

150 house points: Gold

250 house points: Double Bronze

300 house points: Double Silver

350 house points: Double Gold (a gold and purple tie is presented)

500 house points: Platinum 

600 house points: Diamond


Bethany Compass Values Award (Compassion, Curiosity, Creativity, Confidence)


The class teacher will be choosing children from their class to receive a 4C's Value postcard. Your children will receive this to take home if they have demonstrated one of the school values. 


Class Points


These are awarded for demonstrating the school values during learning time. Pupils can also receive a ‘Caught you being kind’ token by a member of staff if they catch a pupil being compassionate. The child will receive a class point for one of these.


Writing Reward


1 child per class per week will be chosen who has shown great progress in their writing that week. The pupils work will be displayed in the corridor and they will receive a certificate in worship.

Headteacher Award


These are awarded for demonstrating the values all term. They will receive a special Headteacher Badge and certificate during the end of term service (Christmas/Easter and Summer).

Reading Rewards

Pupils are expected to read everyday. When they have read at home, please initial and date their reward chart at the back of their reading record. Year 5 and 6 pupils can self initial. They will be presented with their rewards on Thursday's worship. Year 5 and 6 pupils may choose to receive their award straight away. 


20 initials: Certificate

35 initials: Bookmark

50 initials: New Book

